Current Public Health recommendations are that persons born after January 1, 1970 or Healthcare workers born after 1957 require a second dose of MMR Before 1996, BC followed a one-dose MMR schedule given at 12 months of age. British Columbia (BC) introduced the second dose of the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine for children […]
We are now able to provide COVID-19 vaccines at the office for adults and children. In order not to waste the vaccine we will try to schedule these appointments together. Please call to schedule in advance.
Flu vaccine recommended and publicly funded for everybody 6 months and older The vaccine you receive will be based on your age, risk factors, and availability Optional Nasal spray or injection – Children 2 yrs to 17 yrs Adults 65 years of age and older will be given FLUAD® Trivalent adjuvanted (inactivated). The FLUZONE® High-Dose vaccine […]
Flu clinics Saturday, Oct 26, 2024 and Saturday Nov 9, 2024 from 10 AM to 2 PM Flu vaccines are available as of October 16, 2024. Vaccines will be administered with routine office visit or at our flu clinics. The first Flu clinic is Saturday October 26, 2024 10 am to 2 pm – book appt or drop […]
Dr. Cadenhead is trying to lessen her workload and assign some of her patients to Dr. Andrew Wong to allow more time for office administrative duties, family, and prepare for eventual retirement. Dr. Wong would like to establish his own patient panel and is accepting Dr. Cadenhead’s patients preferentially into his practice until March 2024 . After March 2024, Dr. […]
Salve , one of our office assistants, will be out of the office on maternity leave as she is the proud mother of a healthy baby boy, born July 14, 2022.
Dr. Cadenhead is thrilled to announce the arrival of her Granddaughters – Sara on July 4, 2021 and Sara’s sister – Brianna on July 8, 2023. To be able to develop her grandmothering skills, Dr. Cadenhead will be taking a bit more time off to enjoy cuddles & giggles & playtimes. Dr. Andrew Wong will […]
With COVID the in-school vaccination programs were paused. If your children missed vaccines they can be given in the office. Please call to book an appointment. Some of the vaccines need to be ordered in advance – the staff will let you know.
HealtheSteps™, developed by Dr. Robert Petrella and his team at University of British Columbia and Western University, was created in response to the growing need for practical, evidence-based tools to address the growing epidemic of chronic disease found in all populations and communities across Canada. Six free coaching sessions for exercise, healthy eating & […]
Congratulations to Dr. Amy Cuthbertson and her husband on the birth of their baby son, who weighed in at 4 kg! Amy’s husband finished his fellowship and they have moved to Victoria. Amy will be joining a family practice in Victoria after her maternity leave.